Ham and Potatoes

Since we knew we would be missing Easter this year, Greg and I decided to have our Easter dinner before we went away. We made a traditional (I never had Easter dinner before meeting Greg so this is traditional in my opinion!) meal including ham, potatoes au gratin, and roasted brussels sprouts. We got a HUGE ham from Giant for $5 and lived off of it for the week leading up to our trip. Let’s just say I really will have no objections to not eating ham again for a little while! The ham came out great though and we used it in a variety of dishes following our Easter dinner, including sandwiches, salads, and quiche (next post).

This was our HUGE ham.

Greg prepared it with some sliced pineapple and a sweet and sour ham sauce that he made. First he made the sauce and spread it over the ham.

Then he pinned pineapple slices all over the ham using toothpicks.

It really reminded me of the dress Phish’s drummer John Fishman’s always wears . Eh?

Anyway, he baked it for several hours and this is how it looked when it came out.

He also made potatoes au gratin, which basically means potatoes in a creamy cheese sauce. How can you go wrong with that? First the potatoes need to be sliced really thin. Luckily our sweet new grater has an almost mandolin-type plane that worked really well.

and they get layered into a casserole dish along with some sliced onion.

Followed by the creamy cheesy sauce….

and this cooked along side the ham in the oven and looked like this when it came out.

I also roasted some brussels sprouts, which I halved first, then mixed with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper and pine nuts. Once they were cooked, I topped them with some freshly grated parmesiano reggiano.

Then dinner was served!

Recipe for potatoes au gratin

One response to “Ham and Potatoes

  1. Phishy Ham

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